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  • stacypandy

Top Halloween Safety Tips

It’s that time of the year again to decorate for Halloween. Get those skeleton’s out of the closet, hang those spiders, carve those Jack-O-Lanterns, and get ready for a spooky night of fun. Here are some tip safety tips when decorating outdoors for all the trick-or-treater’s that will be visiting your front porch soon.

  • Secure your railings Providing a sturdy railing to help children and adults up and down the stairs will make them feel safe

  • Clear your walkways Keeping your extension cords buried or hidden will keep ghosts and goblins from tripping on them. Try to offer a lighted path during the evening with battery operated lights and lanterns

  • Kid-Friendly Candy Select candy that’s easy to consume and doesn’t present a choking hazard. Also, try not to eat it all prior to Halloween

  • Avoid Using Candles Instead of putting real candles in the Jack-O-Lanterns, try purchasing a flameless candle that provides a real-life flickering flame that offers a safer alternative

  • Rake up Leaves Keep the leaves cleaned up as they can get slippery, especially if it rains

  • Keep your Pets Secure Some pets do not do well with new visitors, keeping them safely indoors is probably a good idea

  • Use Caution when Opening the Door While most who approach your door will only have candy on their minds, there are others who might have more dubious intentions. If you feel uneasy when someone or a group is approaching your door, keep your door closed.

Halloween has grown into one of the most popular holidays in the United States. Today, Halloween is one of the biggest holidays for candy sales exceeding $2.5 billion annually. People are excited to dress up and come together as a community and eat lots of candy. So, be safe and have a Spooktacular time. Thanks for reading. Happy Hannaween!

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